Search Results
The Invention and Development of Diffusion Tensor NMR and MRI at the NIH - Peter Basser
Diffusion MRI: From Conception to Maturity - Denis Le Bihan
Diffusion NMR and MRI in Confined Spaces: From Model Systems to CNS
Karla Miller, Brian Wandell, Stephen Smith - Diffusion Tensor Imaging (September 20, 2013)
Diffusion MR in Pharmaceutical & Chemical Reaction Engineering Research - Mick Mantle
Diffusion MRI analysis for traumatic brain injury detection
A Spin Thro' the History of Diffusion MR - Michael Moseley
Diffusion NMR with Guest Molecules in Zeolites - Jörg Kärger
2017 M19 Lecture 19 -Diffusion MRI (Holden Wu, Ph.D.)
Claude-athon 2018 (pt 4): Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Neurosalience #S2E10 with Denis LeBihan - Inventing diffusion imaging, DTI, and IVIM
Marta Gaviraghi - One Fractional Anisotropy in one scan minutes: a generalised deep neural (...)